Why Buy Local?
Do you know where your food was grown or the farmer that grew it? Research on where we get our food shows that most food is grown about 1500 miles from your plate. Scientists studying locally grown food indicate that fruits and vegetables lose nutrients during the long journey to your local grocery store. The sooner you eat fruit and vegetable after it is picked, the more nutrients they provide. Local food isn’t transported long distances, which is also better for our environment.
Do you know a local farmer? Maybe you have visited a farmers market in your community. Buying local not only supports farmers in your community but also gives you a connection to your community. At Farmers markets, people talk with one another, ask farmers questions and meet local University Extension Educators. Farm stands often have freshly picked fruit and vegetables, preserves, and sauces made on the farm. Some markets and farm stands have seasonal crafts made by local artisans.
How does all of this improve your well-being? We know that we need nutrients for our bodies to work, heal, and grow. But did you know that connecting with others in your community can improve your life? In my research, I found that community members with more connection with their community have longer, happier lives. Visit a farmers market or farm stand near you today!
Photo by Shelley Pauls on Unsplash